Coaching philosophy & info
We understand that many of you many of you have a busy schedule with work, family etc and don’t have time to join a Running Club or perhaps just don’t like the idea of being tied to doing your workouts at set times/days. We also know that generic training programmes from books, magazines or the internet are becoming more and more popular and whilst they cover the bases, they just don’t give the attention to details that runner’s need and deserve.
What we do know is that the coach/athlete relationship is at the heart of any successful performance no matter what level the athlete is competing at whether it be full on coaching or just being the sounding board to make sure everything is going to plan. Over the years our coaches have played a vital role in our development and we most certainly wouldn’t have achieved what we have without them.
When you push hard to achieve your goals then you deserve the same attention to detail and personalised training plans as the worlds best athletes.
We offer three options: Full Coaching, Training Overview or a 12 Week Training Plan Option. Full details of each option can be found below.
What You Get
Your part: Full Coaching is a two-way partnership and just as we provide the training plan, we expect you to provide the feedback that will allow us to best help you. Throughout the program, we expect (and rely upon) consistent feedback via email, phone etc. Let us know the results of each key workout, race, problems with training, upcoming holidays, family commitments etc. This will allow us to make the necessary adjustments to the programme. After all, the programme you receive is not set in stone but is a work in progress. It is modified continually based on your feedback and with the results of each workout and race. It is your responsibility to keep us updated on how you’re doing. Whilst we schedule one phone/skype conversation per week we appreciate that you may need to speak with us urgently especially in the early part of the training programme so ask away and let us know how things are going.
As part of the signing up process you will be asked to complete our athlete questionnaire complete with detailed questions about YOUR training and racing history (if any), YOUR health and injury history if related to running, YOUR life schedule and YOUR goals. Once you complete and return the questionnaire we can begin to personalise a training plan based on the answers. We will follow this up with a phone/skype conversation/personal meeting (where possible) to confirm any details and give a brief outline of the training programme.
This new service is designed for those runners who like the freedom and challenge of setting their own training whilst having an expert on hand at critical points during the build up to their target race when they need it most.
How it works: You devise your training plan, send it along with your race plan and other lifestyle factors to us in advance and we will review/analyse it and provide expert feedback and advice. The benefit of this option is it’s flexibility in terms of how long you access it. We do however recommend that you commit to a minimum of 4 weeks of review in order to get the best results.
You’ll get a one-off personalised training plan which is ideal for athletes looking to prepare for a specific event, or those who require less regular coaching contact. The programme will be by Excel Spreadsheet via email or by Garmin Connect whichever is the most appropriate medium for you. The programme will contain a detailed explanation of each workout. While you’ll receive a fully personalised training programme based on your strengths, weaknesses and goals, communication is restricted to how to implement the training programme.
Your training will be scheduled in 4 week blocks either by Excel Spreadsheet via email or by Garmin Connect whichever is the most appropriate medium for you. Whilst we use four week blocks, we will amend and adjust any training based on your feedback along the way.
We know that there will be questions you’ll need/want answered so we’ve listed some of the more common ones and you can find the answers through the FAQ’s link below.
Yes and no. We are happy to help multi-sport athletes reach their goals but we can only assist with your running. We will take your other activities into account when scheduling running workouts however if you want a full triathlon training programme we recommend you work with a triathlon specific coach as we aren’t qualified to provide cycling and swimming workouts.
The key difference between the Full Coaching and the 12 Week Training Programme is communication. With Full Coaching you will have weekly communication with one of the coaching team at a time that suits you. The Coach/Athlete relationship is vital in terms of being able to adjust a training programme as things get in the way e.g. injury, illness, work/life balance, and how to plan your race strategy more effectively. The 12 Week training programme limits the communication to questions surrounding how to implement the programme.
The new Training Overview service sits in the middle. You get an initial coach-runner consultation and then regular reviews on training based on individual requirements.
Primarily we will be coaching from the 5Km to the Marathon but are happy to discuss other events.
In the Full Coaching option monies will be collected on a four weekly basis and prior to any further training block being emailed or set up e.g. on Garmin. If fees are not received then no training will be emailed or set up. In the 12 Week Training Plan option the full fee requires to be paid in advance of the 12 week training programme being emailed or set up as described. In the Training Overview option, payment will be discussed at the initial consultation and will be dependent on the length of review signed up for.
Payments will be either by BACS transfer, direct debit or standing order. Alternative payment methods can be discussed and full details will be provided once you have signed up.
We understand that signing up to any training programme is a big undertaking. Work will begin on your programme straight after the initial discussion and due to it’s personalised nature, it will take about 7-10 days to prepare. During this time you can decide to cancel the agreement and HawkinsRunning will, after discussion with you, repay up to a maximum of 75% of your fee the remainder covering work already done on your programme. After the 7-10 day period and once your 12 week programme has been emailed or set up and you decide not to proceed with the training then we can’t offer any refunds.
Interruptions to training are part and parcel of life and we will simply put your training on hold until you return. Unused weeks/months of training will be credited and your clock starts again when you return to training.
Yes they are. We work with athletes of all abilities and the programmes are tailored around your strengths, weaknesses and goals. All we ask from you is commitment to the programme.
If you need any further information or questions answered please complete our contact form here and one of our coaches be in touch.